Giving Back

Volunteering at Sarah’s House in Fort Meade, MD

June 10, 2014

Guest Author

Each month we attempt to look outside our small world at Phoenix TS. It’s important to recognize the other people in your community who could possibly use a helping hand, support, or a nice spaghetti lunch.

Last Thursday several members of our team took a short car ride to Fort Meade. We brought along a spaghetti and meatball meal for the people living at Sarah’s House.

Who could say no to six pounds of spaghetti, too many meatballs to count, one massive salad with rotisserie chicken, garlic and non-garlic bread, and a tub tomato sauce?

Thanks to every person who pitched in and contributed towards making meal possible, the people at Sarah’s House had a lovely afternoon. Bringing a warm meal to a person or family in need is a small act of kindness that everyone should practice.

Although the meal turned out well, the food is not as important as the people. They persevere through an enduring time in their life. They come with their children to receive the support they need when their world comes crashing down. The house serves as a transitional home for homeless families after parents lose their jobs. Unemployment is an insufferable challenge that many of us face. Imagine dealing with unemployment as a parent. The least we could do is provide them with a meal.

After preparing the meal and serving lunch, the most rewarding part of the experience came through the small yet gigantic smiles from the small children there.

We fall short so often in our efforts to reach outside of our busy lives to help others. Good neighbors do not ignore the hungry person nearby, but instead offers them a helping hand and simple meal. The next time someone asks you for something to eat, think about the people at Sarah’s House.

You can learn more volunteering at Sarah’s House here: http://www.catholiccharities-md.org/sarahs-house/

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