Business Communication

Why instructor-led learning is essential for sound soft skills

May 26, 2022

Sean McKay

Some people mistakenly believe that soft skills are skills that are “nice to have” rather than essential. The reality is that soft skills are the cornerstone of any business, and instructor-led learning is an effective way to teach them.

Employees with a high level of soft skills are more likely to have a high sense of fulfillment – one of the tenets of high retention. They will have more productive relationships and help create the happy, engaged workforce that every successful business needs to ensure growth.

How instructor-led learning works for soft skills

1. Active listening

Active listening is a universally referenced skill that is so easily forgotten. It’s one of the most important skills for building effective relationships with colleagues and customers, and one of the most important to learn. Instructor-led learning gives people the opportunity to practice active listening, receive vital feedback on their behaviors, and change life-long patterns.

2. Assertiveness and self-confidence

Another cornerstone of effective business relationships, assertiveness and self-confidence comes naturally to some and is a huge challenge for others. By allowing colleagues to explore their natural skills in a safe environment you allow those quieter colleagues to gain their voice and maximize their sense of fulfillment.

3. Bullying in the workplace

Bullying in the workplace can quickly mean a loss of the workforce. If colleagues are undermined and unhappy at best their productivity will spiral, and at worst they will leave, taking all their skills and knowledge with them. By allowing for open, supportive, instructor-led training on how to tackle bullying in the workplace, problems are minimized. Colleagues understand how to identify bullying in the workplace, how to handle it and how to avoid being the bully themselves.

4. Collaboration

In today’s competitive world collaboration can be a challenge – everyone wants to be on top of the tree, without considering the branches that help them get there. Understanding the value of collaboration, the difference between collaboration, cooperation, and teamwork as well as understanding how to make collaboration work will help your employees work together to foster effective growth in a way that allows everyone to reach their goals.

By using instructor-led training thoughts and fears about collaboration can be addressed in real-time, common ground can be established and long-held beliefs can be challenged and changed.

Above all, instructor-led learning brings the essence of humanity to this type of learning. As individuals, we all have particular responses to different situations, and a standardized textbook approach simply can’t adapt and change to accommodate these nuances. A skilled instructor will understand the associated insecurities, emotions, and fears that populate some soft skills and equip your employees with the skills to manage these.

Get in touch

To learn more about how effective soft skills learning can transform your workplace, just head over to our contact page to find out more.

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