Training and Certification

NEW Data Analytics Courses

October 26, 2018

Guest Author

Phoenix TS has added new Data Analytics courses to our public schedule. These five courses will help you increase your knowledge and skills to become a Big Data Expert!

What is Data Analytics?

Data analytics is the practice used to examine data sets. Upon careful examination of the data sets, data analyst professionals are able to to draw conclusions about the information contained within the data. In recent years specialized software and systems have been developed in order to aid data analysts with processing and analyzing the data.

New Data Analytics Courses at Phoenix TS

As decribed in the short definition of data analytics, more software and systems are being used in recent years in the data analysis world. The new data analytics courses offered by Phoenix TS will give you the knowledge and skills needed to perform at a high functioning level as a data analyst. Read more below about each course and see which one is right for your data analyst career goals.

Unlocking Your Potential Through Data Science

This training course covers data science concepts, frameworks and tools that you will need to use
to make data-driven decisions and increase the efficiency of your organization. By the end of the
course, you will be able to understand the landscape of data science tools and techniques,
communicate effectively with data analysts and data scientists, and identify the dangerous pitfalls of
using data incorrectly.

Introduction to R, Data Cleaning, and Visualization

This three-day training will turn you into a savvy data programmer and visualizer with a solid
foundation to tackle data cleaning and visualization. You will become comfortable with R, an opensource
tool that is widely used by professional statisticians and analysts. R is designed to analyze data
powerfully and effectively, create predictive models, and build beautiful visualizations. The training
optimizes learning by integrating practice time and discussion time in class to improve retention and
provide individualized support throughout the session.

Manipulating and Understanding Data in Excel

This two-day training will take you from performing basic data analyses in Excel to cleaning and
processing data, along with creating regression models and visualizations. The course will introduce
foundational statistical concepts and train you in key data operations in Excel. You will
become comfortable with data manipulation, formatting, and visualization in Excel. The course will include pre-work videos and exercises, as well as take-home exercises that reinforce the concepts taught in the course.

Implementing Machine Learning With R

This course will turn you into a savvy data analyst with a solid foundation of unsupervised and supervised machine learning techniques. You will use R to build data models and evaluate them. You will be able to find new patterns in data and predict behavior of new data points.

Data Science for Leaders: Building a Data Driven Strategy

This instructor-led training experience teaches leaders and executives how to identify
opportunities to make better decisions by utilizing new insights from data: which tools, techniques and
approaches can and should be used for data science projects: how to avoid pitfalls when drawing
conclusions from data; and how to create a strategy for building a data science team and capability to
improve decision making across the organization.

Ready to Enroll in the New Data Analytics Courses at Phoenix TS?

Take a look at the schedule below and register today!

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