BONUS! Cyber Phoenix Subscription Included: All Phoenix TS students receive complimentary ninety (90) day access to the Cyber Phoenix learning platform, which hosts hundreds of expert asynchronous training courses in Cybersecurity, IT, Soft Skills, and Management and more!
Course Overview
Phoenix TS’ Instructor-led course will help participants improve their judgment and decision skills. This training will address Financial literacy, Business sense, Managing risk, and Increasing critical thinking. After this course, participants will have a better understanding of business acumen with the Federal workplace.
- Financial literacy
- Business sense
- Managing risk
- Increasing critical thinking
There are no prerequisites for this course.
Currently, there are no public classes scheduled. Please contact a Phoenix TS Training Consultant to discuss hosting a private class at 301-258-8200.
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Course Outline
Seeing the Big Picture
- Short and long term interactions
recognize growth opportunities - Mindfulness of decisions
- Everything is related
- Case study and review questions
KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators)
- Decisiveness
- Flexible
- Strong initiative
- Being intuitive
- Case study and review questions
Risk Management Strategies
- Continuous assessment
- Internal and external factors
- Making adjustments and corrections
- Knowing when to pull the trigger or plug
- Case study and review questions
Recognizing Learning Events
- Develop a sense of always learning
- Evaluate past decisions
- Problems are learning opportunities
- Recognize your blind spots
- Case study and review questions
You Need to Know These Answers and More
- What makes my company money?
- What were sales last year?
- What is our profit margin?
- What were our costs?
- Case study and review questions
Financial Literacy (I)
- Assets
- Financial ratios
- Liabilities
- Equity
- Case study and review questions
Financial Literacy (II)
- Income statement
- Balance sheet
- Cash flow statement
- Read, read, read
- Case study and review questions
Business Acumen in Management
- Talent management
- Change management
- Asset management
- Organizational management
- Case study and review questions
Critical Thinking in Business
- Ask the right questions
- Organize data
- Evaluate the information
- Make the decision
- Case study and review questions
Key Financial Levers
- Investing in people
- Effective communication
- Process improvement
- Goal alignment
- Case study and review questions
Building A Corporate Brand
- Your brand
- Bran names and slogans
- Developing a slogan
- Creating a visual identity
- Types of visual identities
- Energizer: the final piece
Marketing Your Product
- Introduction to marketing
- Consumer and market analysis
- Analyzing the competition and yourself
- Analyzing the distribution channels
- Creating a marketing plan
- Product
- Price
- Making connections
- The final stages: implement, evaluate, review and revise
- Leveraging social media
Selling Your Product
- Building your sales force
- The sales cycle
Business Acumen Training FAQs
This class is ideal for Managers, Supervisors and Team members in any industry.
BONUS! Cyber Phoenix Subscription Included: All Phoenix TS students receive complimentary ninety (90) day access to the Cyber Phoenix learning platform, which hosts hundreds of expert asynchronous training courses in Cybersecurity, IT, Soft Skills, and Management and more!
Phoenix TS is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints re-garding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its web site: