
Why eMASS Training Takes Place at Your Facility

May 19, 2016

Bita Beigishah

Here’s another Q&A post regarding our new eMASS training courses. This question addresses the eMASS Direct User training, which is only available at an approved government facility. 

eMASS is a DoD specific tool

The eMASS software is not available to the general public. To begin the deployment process, interested organizations should reach out to the appropriate:

  • Military Department
  • Combatant Commanders
  • Defense Agency
  • Defense Field Agency Chief Information Officer (CIO)

The process of acquiring eMASS can take time.

Why is this important?

Because as a non-DoD company, we are not able to gain the necessary approval to deploy eMASS.

We don’t have eMASS access but you do

This is why training takes place at your facility. You have the approved and deployed eMASS system and we teach you how to apply the steps in our lab manual. If you do not want or feel you need the labs, then you can take one of our other shorter eMASS training classes at our centers. These classes include:

  1. eMASS Workshop
  2. eMASS Manager’s Overview

How can you enroll in eMASS training with no access?

We worked in conjunction with Joshua Burnett, a former Senior Consultant at Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA). He worked directly in the eMASS system to help create these courses. His experience contributed to the development of labs and enabled him to create an effective course that applies directly to the work demanded within an eMASS environment. Phoenix TS helped create the course structure based on his labs.

Phoenix TS is available to organize the to setup of your eMASS Direct User Training at your facility.

To learn more about the facility requirements necessary for conducting an eMASS Direct User Training session, reach out to our team at 301-258-8200. 

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