
Women in Technology (WiT) – Who is the Phoenix TS President?

March 31, 2014

Phoenix TS Intern
Firoozeh, President & Co-Founder of Phoenix TS

Our fearless leader, owner, co-founder, and president Firoozeh Azarbaidjani-Do is a finalist for the Women in Technology 15th Annual Leadership Awards. The organization recognizes women in the DC area for “Extraordinary Talent, Inspiring Leadership, and Success in the Technology Community.”

We are beyond proud of Firoozeh for her accomplishments. The entrepreneurial finalists are women who play a role in the professional advancement of other women, act as agents of change in their industry, and have maintained business success.

We sat down with Firoozeh to learn a little more about her background and the journey she took to develop Phoenix TS into the successful technology center that it is now.

Where Did it All Begin?

Firoozeh grew up and went to school in Spain. She focused her high school studies in science and math. She started computer programming at age 14. From there she then went on to earn degrees in French Literature and Interpretation while maintaining computer programming as a side interest and job.

When Firoozeh married her husband, our CEO Ben Tchoubineh, and moved to DC, she focused her professional efforts on technology training. Firoozeh and Ben founded Phoenix TS in 1998, settled in one of the nation’s top IT hubs, and became Phoenix’s first two trainers.

Women in the Technology Industry

A story in April of 2011 provided some interesting stats about women in technology. Though women are 50% of the US workforce, in 2011 they only represented 25% of the technology industry, only 15% of senior management positions, and only 8% of leaders in technology startups.

Over a decade before that, Firoozeh already broken through those barriers. Staying true to her belief that “women can do anything,” she continued to grow her business and simultaneously support other women in their endeavors to join the industry.

What’s the Future for Phoenix TS?

Firoozeh and Ben created something special at Phoenix TS. They established more than just financial success – they created culture. Phoenix is very unique, and Firoozeh attributes much of this success to her employees.

Some of the WIT’s biggest goals are mentoring and leadership development. Firoozeh talks about her biggest business influences and goals for Phoenix TS.

The winners of all Leadership Awards will be announced at the WIT Leadership Awards on April 3rd, 2014. Join us in congratulating Firoozeh for this amazing nomination and thanking her for her commitment to Phoenix TS!

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