Tech Jobs

Top 8 Technology Jobs in the U.S. Army for Enlisted and Reserve

June 18, 2015

Bita Beigishah

Just because you’re military doesn’t mean you can’t be tech too. Today’s military requires advanced networks and high-tech equipment that is often unavailable in many civilian careers. Whether you are looking to work with cloud or network technologies, cyber security or data intelligence, there is a military career choice for in the U.S. Army.

Here are our top  career choices available to enlisted and career military.


Army systems include control centers, electronic switches, combat radios and other communication network equipment; all of which need to be regularly tested and maintained for accuracy.

The Network Switching Systems Operator-Maintainer position handles this responsibility. This person needs to be skilled at troubleshooting system errors and initiating preventative measures to ensure the working of U.S. Army power generators, vehicles, switchboards and more.

After the Military:

Take the skills from this job into your civilian life by applying to organizations that leverage communication networks such as:

  • Comcast
  • T-Mobile
  • CISCO SYSTEMS & more


The U.S. Army would not be able to carry out missions successfully if communication lines crashed, the Nodal Network Systems Operator-Maintainer ensures that this does not happen and communication lines stay up and running at all times. This person regularly tests the Army’s tactical and strategic communication systems devices and provides field maintenance on communications equipment to correct any faults.

After the Military:

If you decide to make a career move to the civilian space, the skills learned through this position are transferable to careers in:


If intercepting non-voice communication from foreign electronic intelligence sounds like an enjoyable career move, then apply to be a Signals Collection Analyst for the U.S. Army. This person detects, acquires, locates and then identifies signal communication to offer greater strategic and tactical intelligence.

If you are active duty, you can also look into a position as a Signals Intelligence Analyst who examines the information collected and breaks it down into a digestible report. These two positions rely on one another to produce meaningful intelligence reports military leaders can use to make strategic and tactical combative decisions.

After the Military:

This position primes you for a role in government agencies and contracting organizations, such as:

  • National Security Agency (NSA)
  • Lockheed Martin
  • General Dynamics


If the U.S. Army’s GPS receivers, field artillery devices or night/vision equipment failed at a crucial moment, disaster would strike. The position of Computer/Detection Systems Repairer works to prevent such catastrophe. This person takes critical equipment and systems and performs regular preventative testings and maintenance, when needed, to ensure everything runs properly. Skills required for this job include using diagnostic equipment, troubleshooting and part replacement.

After the Military:

This position will prepare you for a civilian career in a wide variety of industries, including:

  • Manufacturing
  • Medical Research
  • Commercial Airlines
  • Satellite Communications (for organizations such as the National Weather Service and NASA)


This role examines aerial images to provide critical information regarding enemy location, combat operations and probable battle areas. This career identifies fixed and moving equipment, military facilities, weapon systems and defenses and then determines the objects’ locations and dimensions.

After the Military:

The position prepares individuals for a role in government agencies and contracting organizations, such as:

  • Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
  • Lockheed Martin
  • General Dynamics


Just like a civilian support technician the U.S. Army Information Technology Specialist focuses on the maintenance, processing and troubleshooting requirements of military computing systems and operations.

After the Military:

This career will prepare you for civilian careers as:


Providing the maintenance for military networks and computers leverage by Intelligence Soldiers is the primary responsibility of this position. Equipment needs to be regularly tested and repaired to ensure accuracy.

After the Military:

This job will prepare you for a career in any civilian organization that deals with:

  • Electronic Equipment
  • Computers
  • Network

For more information about these or other U.S. Army careers visit www.goarmy.com/careers-and-jobs/.

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