Tech Jobs

How Did You Get Into Tech – Geoffrey Davenport

July 28, 2015

Guest Author

This week we turn to Geoffrey Davenport, an IT Specialist, as a part of our How Did You Get Into Tech blog series.

Where Did your interest in technology start?

My interest in technology started when I was young. I learned to how to fix computers because I was always breaking them as a child. After a while I became the person everyone in my family called on to fix their computer. I thought it was best to translate my abilities into a career.

What was your first job?

My first technology-related position was at a helpdesk in the Federal sector. But before my first job, I interned with a local technology education company. The internship really helped my transition as it provided valuable experience.

What is your current position?

I’m currently an IT Specialist in the Network Operations Center in the same organization where I got my start on the help desk. I’ve been in this environment for three years.

What type of educational background do you have?

I started school at a community college and transferred my credits to a four year university. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology from Western Govenors University. I graduated in February 2015. In addition to my degree, I have multiple certifications from Microsoft, Cisco and CompTIA. I am currently working to achieve my CCNP certification this year.

What resources did you use for your tech education (university, community college, meetups, training, online tutorials, MOOC courses with EdX, Udacity and Coursera)?

Other resources I used include certification books, boot camps, and technology-related online forums. Some of the best resources I can recall are Udemy and Safari Books.

Did you have any mentors, professors, colleagues or supervisors who offered career guidance?

I’ve had mentors at every stage of my education and career. There has always been someone there to challenge me and help me grow. I still rely on a number of them for advice and encouragement.

If you were to give an individual advice about starting a career in tech, what would you say to them?

Some of the best advice I can give to people entering the field is to find a mentor early. They can give you insight into the field and help guide your career track. I would also recommend interning because experience is king in the IT field. Don’t be afraid to ask others for help in getting your start. The final thing I would say is to continue to learn new technologies because our field is ever changing. 

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