
CompTIA A+ Exam Updates

February 22, 2013

Bita Beigishah
Changes to the CompTIA A Plus Exam

Phoenix TS is proud to announce the addition of the CompTIA A+ 800 series course and exam to our class schedule. CompTIA requires updates to their certification exams every three years to keep the content relevant and valuable to the student. The three year cycle has ended for the 700 series exams and it will expire in August 2013. The CompTIA A+ 800 Series’ objectives and testing methods changed greatly and will be sure to provide students with a more valuable learning experience.

What’s New in the CompTIA A+ 800 Series Exams?

Download our CompTIA A+ Study Guide

The 800 series now includes skills such as networking and security to reflect the changing demands for entry-level IT technicians. These skills include a focus on the installation, integration and management of networks across many devices, including smartphones and tablets.

CompTIA also adjusted the testing method to include multiple choice and performance-based questions. The performance questions require students to perform a task within a simulated IT environment. In addition, new topics of Windows 7 Enterprise, Android, iOS 5, Virtualization, Wireless Troubleshooting and Small Office/Home Office (SOHO) security and troubleshooting we added. These additions will make certifications more valuable to employers, who know that accredited individuals have demonstrated both the mental and hands-on knowledge necessary to perform their roles successfully.

CompTIA A+ 800 Series Exam Format

The CompTIA A+ certification requires individuals to pass two exams. The first exam will cover the topics of PC Hardware, Networking, Laptops, Printers, and Operational Procedures. The second exam will cover Operating Systems, Security, Mobile Devices and Troubleshooting.

CompTIA A Plus Exam 220-801 Exam 220-802

Below is the breakdown of the exam. For more questions regarding exam preparation or testing call us at 301-258-8200, Good Luck!

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