
Training Management

Outsource Your Training Management Program To Phoenix TS

Simply put, we know training management. It’s our thing and we know it like the back of our hands, so why should you try to become an operational expert in training management when you have another set of responsibilities you were hired to do? Even if you were hired as the training manager, do you really have the manpower to manage the logistics effectively? If the answer is no then reach out to our team for a free training management consultation. Our training consultants will set aside as much time as you need to review your current training process, your training successes and failures and your goals for improvement.

In the past, we have helped clients:

  • Develop the specific courses they need to meet their business goals, contractual requirements and more.
  • Manage their employees’ certifications and organize the proper training as needed for each employee based on the organization’s requirements.
  • Plan and manage a continuing education program in order to maintain the certifications employees earn.
  • Organize the pre-delivery and distribution of study materials.
  • Assess students to ensure they meet the pre-requisites for courses they need to attend and to ensure they have successfully consumed the information presented in order to be successful on their certification exams.

And we hope we can make your training programs run more efficiently and effectively as well! 

For more information or questions, call our team at 301-258-8200 or schedule your Free Training Management Consultation below.

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