BONUS! Cyber Phoenix Subscription Included: All Phoenix TS students receive complimentary ninety (90) day access to the Cyber Phoenix learning platform, which hosts hundreds of expert asynchronous training courses in Cybersecurity, IT, Soft Skills, and Management and more!
Course Overview
Phoenix Ts instructor-led Action Officer course is designed to enable Federal employees to attain communication skills needed at many levels of the Federal Government. The How to be an Action Officer course covers:
- Action Officer roles and responsibilities
- Effective writing
- Packaging a document
- Staffing and preparing action packages
- Staff Action Control and Coordination Portal (SACCP)
- Effective briefing
Currently, there are no public classes scheduled. Please contact a Phoenix TS Training Consultant to discuss hosting a private class at 301-258-8200.
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Course Objectives
- Time Management
- Telephone Etiquette
- Email Netiquette
- Security Concerns
- Correspondence Guidelines with Internal and External Audiences
- Completing DISA Form 9
- Understanding and Aggressively Pursuing a Package’s Coordination Process
- Effective Writing
- Briefing Techniques
- Professional Speaking
Course Outline
Introduction & Overview
- DISA’s Mission
- Relationship charts
- List of Joint Staff, Service, and Combatant Command Counterparts
- Employees’ Guide to the Standards of Conduct
Time Management
Telephone and E-mail Etiquette
Security Information
Procedures for Joint Staff & Office of Secretary of Defense Correspondence and Correspondence Suspense Requirements
- General
- References
- Policies
- Procedures for processing outgoing action documents
- Correspondence suspense requirements
- Extensions of suspense dates
- Clearing of suspense actions from the AIMS
Corporate Communication
- DISA Communication Standards Manual
- DISA letterhead
- Correspondence flow
- Correspondence samples
- Signature blocks
- Distribution list
- “References” guidance
- “Subparagraphing” guidance
- “Enclosures” guidance
- Rules for enclosures
- “Copy to” guidance
- Assembly of correspondence for signature
- Instructions on correspondence folders
- Top 10 most common mistakes
- Corrections most frequently made
Hints for Action Officers
- Useful phone numbers
- Frequently used DISA addresses
Forms of Address, Salutation, and Complimentary Close
- General
- The White House
- The Congress
- Executive departments
- Military departments
- Military personnel
- Miscellaneous addresses
Effective Writing
- Writing tips for DISA Action Officers
- Acronyms and abbreviations
- Punctuation
- Capitalization
- Numbers
- Compound words
- Compound Words-DISA preferences
- Troublesome words
- Editing symbols
Briefing Techniques
- Building a clear, concise presentation
- Building speaking confidence
- Personal platform image
- Presentation logistics/managing the Q&A
- Professionally speaking
- PowerPoint presentation
BONUS! Cyber Phoenix Subscription Included: All Phoenix TS students receive complimentary ninety (90) day access to the Cyber Phoenix learning platform, which hosts hundreds of expert asynchronous training courses in Cybersecurity, IT, Soft Skills, and Management and more!
Phoenix TS is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints re-garding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its web site: