Hardware & Software

Where to Learn Python Online for Free

October 26, 2015

Guest Author

You want to learn Python? You don’t need to search far or even go to the local library to learn Python. There’s no shortage of tutorials to learn Python online for free.

This list is intended for Python beginners. Although a number of the websites and online books contain material for those seeking advanced-level learning.

1. Google’s Python Class

Here’s another free class designed for individuals with a “little bit of programming experience” who want to dive into Python. The Google Developer’s free class is composed of written material, video lectures, and exercises. Different learning materials and exercises can challenge people in diverse ways and force them to retain knowledge better.

2. Code Academy

The question boils down to; Are you a fan of Code Academy’s interactive website for learning to code? I enjoyed taking the HTML and CSS classes, but not the Introduction to the Command-Line for Linux.

Code Academy’s Python track takes an estimated 13 hours to complete, overall 2.3 million students enrolled in the class, and the content is designed for beginners. There were times I grew impatient with the slower pace of the material and course. But during other courses I benefited from the confines of the methodical pace.

3. A Byte of Python

I like it a lot. Swaroop C H created an excellent learning resource. A Byte of Python is a “free book on programming using the Python language…If all you know about computers is how to save text files, then this book is for you.” You should appreciate the blunt introduction as it allows you to discern whether or not this book fits your experience and skill level.

The book is easy to navigate, understand, and straight forward. The welcome section lets the past readers explain what they thought about the book. The website outlines where the book is used (several major universities), and provides PDF, EPUB, Mobi, and Github versions of the book.

4. Think Python

Do you prefer the simple book with no video tutorials and interactive exercises? Then read the Think Python PDF or HTML version of the book.

5. PythonSpot

The PythonSpot keeps Python learning extremely simple and well organized with easy navigation to tutorials, videos, and quizzes. Jump from Python for Beginners to working with the GUI, network, Vision, Qt4, and other prominent software.

While navigating through different sections you may notice commentary on pages. Frank, the content publisher, does a wonderful job of responding to comments and questions. This engagement proves helpful for those individuals who need a little guidance when tackling new subjects on their own.

6. Python Practice Book

The Python Practice Book sections include:

  1. Getting Started
  2. Working with Data
  3. Modules
  4. Object Oriented Programming
  5. Iterators & Generators
  6. Functional Programming

The website is easy to read, navigate, and the text/exercises are clear. You can’t go wrong with this website either.

7. The Official Python Documentation

Start off learning Python with the help of the Python Software Foundation, the official source of everything for the programming language. The Python for Beginners web page directs readers to the correct resource for their level of experience.

The page links to introductory books, information regarding IDEs and text editors, code samples, Beginner’s guides and tutorials, and help finding resources in other languages.

8. Become a Programmer, [Loud Word]

My employer may fire me for linking to this website due to the vulgar language, but honestly this resource knows how to do it. The “Learn Python the Hard Way” HTML version of the book is available and hyperlinked to from the Hitchhiker’s Guide to Learning Python too.

The website links to additional resources for learning Ruby, C, SQL, Regex, and an assortment of free online books for learning about programming.

9. Learning Python – The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Learning Python

This robust website contains an abundance of learning tutorials for beginners, intermediate and advanced Python programmers. According to the Python Guide,

“This opinionated guide exists to provide both novice and expert Python developers a best practice handbook to the installation, configuration, and usage of Python on a daily basis.”

The guide links to a number of websites on this list such as:

  • A Byte of Python
  • Code Academy
  • Think Python
  • Learn Python the Hard Way

The guide also describes additional resources, including Python Koans, Crash into Python, Dive into Python 3, and resources for advanced learners, scientists, engineers.

There’s no excuse to not learn Python. Go get started.

However if you can’t handle the individual self-learning path, then consider investing in Python training. The financial investment may force you to focus harder. No one wants to admit to a poor financial investment. 

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