Project Management

What is Microsoft Project 2013?

October 22, 2015

Bita Beigishah

Project management software is not really for me. I dislike the whole idea of pop-ups coming onto my screen every half hour to tell me what I need to do. However, there are some aspects of project management software I appreciate.

Microsoft Project 2013 is, pretty clearly, project management software that acts somewhat like a more visual and simplistic Excel. You don’t need to know a bunch of shorthand keystrokes to get data to look clean and professional. Microsoft Project 2013 offers visualization tools excellent for budgets, timelines and many concepts management teams love. 

Why Microsoft Project 2013

Microsoft Project 2013 provides you with tools for budgeting, collaboration between team members, customization of timelines and colors, issue tracking, reporting to superiors or peers, resource management, obviously task management, and other traditional project management abilities while remaining compatible with Office 365.

Microsoft Project and Office 365

Project and Office 365 being synced up is great for productivity and communication reasons. You can quickly send reports and summaries to peers and management without having to upload and download several files.

Another great aspect of Project working with Office 365 is collaboration. You can work together to meet deadlines with your team by allowing everyone to edit and add content in Project simultaneously. Project syncs with SharePoint accounts where SharePoint calendar events are available in project timelines. So you can account for how long projects take to complete with everything else scheduled. This benefit allows you to stream progress across your companies platform enabling everyone to know where you stand and what you completed.

Syncing all of your Microsoft apps with Project lets you use Microsoft’s IM tools and Skype while you and whomever communicate over project details and make edits in real time.

I am going to leave you with a video that I feel does a great job walking you through how Project can benefit your organization and time management.

Starting Your First Project

This video tutorial, created by Christian Alt, walks through everything from how to ensure software uses the right forms of measurement to the completion of a project.


I hope this video shows how helpful this software can be. If you have any questions about this software feel free to leave a comment. I know this was brief, but hopefully you got what you came here for. If not, this PDF explains more about Microsoft Project 2013.

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