BONUS! Cyber Phoenix Subscription Included: All Phoenix TS students receive complimentary ninety (90) day access to the Cyber Phoenix learning platform, which hosts hundreds of expert asynchronous training courses in Cybersecurity, IT, Soft Skills, and Management and more!
Course Overview
Phoenix TS’ Instructor-led Analytics training course focuses on using Microsoft Excel functionalities for data analysis and ultimately decision-making. This course will teach participants how to properly collect and handle data derived from many sources and then translate it into something meaningful within an Excel spreadsheet. This Instructor-led course will provide Federal employees with the knowledge to summarize data effectively and use advanced problem-solving techniques to develop a thorough understanding of the information.
- Summarize data effectively
- Use advanced problem solving techniques to develop a thorough understanding of the data
- Calculate and select the most appropriate central tendency measures
- Identify and avoid hidden bias
- Standard normal distribution
- Extracting a random sample from a population
- Identifying the reliability of an estimate using confidence intervals
- Identifying relationships between variables
An understanding of Excel prior to this training course will be helpful for most students. This understanding can be developed through courses such as Excel Level 1, Excel Level 2, and Excel Level 3.
Currently, there are no public classes scheduled. Please contact a Phoenix TS Training Consultant to discuss hosting a private class at 301-258-8200.
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Course Outline
Introduction to The Course
- Introduction to analytics
- Different types of analytics
- Why are there so many different methods?
- Terminology and notation
- Core ideas in data analytics
- The steps in data analytics projects
Data Exploration
- Introduction to statistics
- Variable types
- Summarizing data
- Descriptive statistics: measures of central tendency
- Descriptive statistics: measures of variation
- Statistical displays: histograms and boxplots
Excel for Data Analysis
- Introduction to excel
- Sort/filter/conditional formatting
- Pivot tables
- Data visualization
Breakeven Analysis
- Linear functions
- Revenue and cost models
- Exponential functions
- Curve fitting
- What-if analysis / goal seek
Time Value of Money
- Simple interest
- Compound interest
Probability Models
- Basic principles
- Conditional probability
- Discrete random variables
- Continuous random variables
- Normal distribution
- Z-score
- Outlier detection method
Statistical Inferences
- Sampling types / survey errors
- Confidence intervals
- t-distribution
- Introduction to hypothesis testing
- Single sample t-test
- Type I/II errors
Linear Regression – Part 1
- Correlation
- Simple linear regression
- Multiple linear regression
- Fit measures
Predictive Modeling Basics
- Data preparation
- Integrating data from multiple sources
Linear Regression – Part 2
- Regression for prediction
- Performance evaluation
Classification Models
- Distance measures
- K-nearest neighbors
- Performance evaluation
- Other methods
Segmentation Modeling / Cluster Analysis
- Introduction to segmentation
- Cluster analysis
- Clusters interpretation
Spreadsheet Models / Optimization
- Linear optimization models
- Maximizing profit / minimizing cost
Data Analysis using R
- Introduction to R
- Data analysis using R
Decision Analysis (optional)
- Introduction to decision making under uncertainty
- Decision analysis without probabilities
- Decision analysis with probabilities
- Decision trees
Analytics Training FAQs
This course is designed for beginners who want to develop their foundation knowledge for data analytics, those experienced with statistics, and professionals seeking more advanced methods and skills to further their career. The particular job positions who take this course include Organizational Analysts, Functional Managers, IT Specialists, Statisticians, Business Intelligence Professionals
“I like the fact that instructor was giving a lot of time on hands on training, he was very informative, knew his material thoroughly.” – Student from November 2018
BONUS! Cyber Phoenix Subscription Included: All Phoenix TS students receive complimentary ninety (90) day access to the Cyber Phoenix learning platform, which hosts hundreds of expert asynchronous training courses in Cybersecurity, IT, Soft Skills, and Management and more!
Phoenix TS is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints re-garding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its web site: