
What the Release of Ubuntu Phone Means for the Mobile Market

February 6, 2015

Guest Author

The official Ubuntu phone will release for sale next week in Europe. This marks a time of considerable change that could affect the mobile software market.

This small step forward by Canonical marks the start of a 3rd competitor who has a chance to dilute the dominance of iOS and Android software. Over the last few years, Windows and Blackberry failed to gain a strong foothold in the mobile market. However, with new leadership from Satya Nadella, there’s still a shot the Windows Phone isn’t done yet.

Don’t Expect an Android or iPhone Clone

Canonical, the company that supports Ubuntu, said they will not release “yet another iOS or Android clone.” For the past several years, each new release of Android and iPhone smartphones resembled one another in design and functionality. The developers behind the Ubuntu phone seem to present a fresh perspective.

The phone offers a totally new UI design and experience in contrast to current smartphone technology. The software intends to create a truly user-centered and customized experience. Canonical stresses the content aggregation feature through the use of scopes.

What are Scopes?

The scope feature attempts to aggregate all related content from applications, the web and personal files to one location for easy viewing and navigation. Rather than push out software reminiscent of the traditional icon grid found in iPhones and Android devices, Ubuntu redesigns the mobile experience. Scopes provide a way for the user to shape and develop their own experience.

Not only will the Ubuntu mobile OS contain core apps, a new UI, but they have a Carrier Advisory Group, which holds members such as T-Mobile and Verizon, who will help to shape the mobile market and distribution of the Ubuntu phone.

A Fresh Perspective of the Open Source OS in Mobile

Open source operating systems for smartphones
Read the comments of the poll by clicking on the image.

On November 17th, 2014 I posted a poll in the Linux community on Google+. The vast majority of voters agreed on the idea that smartphones with open source operating systems would gain momentum in the mobile world. The news from Ubuntu shows they stand correct. As the open source world continues move forward and developers collaborate together, open source software will shape the future of technology.

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