
What’s All the Buzz Around Microsoft Azure?

June 24, 2020

Alex Walters

More and more, people seem to be talking about Microsoft Azure. As government agencies and businesses are looking to acquire more Azure services to continue their operations, IT professionals are seeking more Azure education and certifications. You may be wondering, what is all the buzz about Azure? Lately and especially since the onset of the COVID -19 epidemic, Azure is in high demand because of its ability to provide social distancing mechanisms at a time when almost everyone has been ordered to stay at home. According to a blog on tom’s HARDWARE, Microsoft Azure services, ‘…have recorded a peak increase in demand of up to 775% in areas where social distancing and/or lockdowns are enforced” (Broekhuijsen). This includes significant usage of platforms such as Microsoft Teams, Windows Virtual Desktop and Power BI. (Broekhuijsen) People all over the world are currently using Azure for teleworking. With so many people relying on Azure, it is important to understand what it is and how it is used to help people stay connected.

What is Azure?

After reading about the increase demand for Azure, some of you may be wondering, “What exactly is Azure, anyway?” Microsoft Azure is a public, cloud computing platform with endless possibilities! This secure and global service allows subscribers to create the solutions needed to encourage the goals of their business. Azure provides a range of options such as different cloud computing frameworks and multiple cloud services for its users. Frameworks include Infrastructure as a service (IaaS), Software as a service (SaaS), and Platform as a service (PaaS). Services include cloud-based technologies, data security, networking, data analytics, intelligence models and application developments. Azure is also quick, flexible, and affordable allowing its services to be used in nearly any profession including government, medical, or education.

Microsoft has seen a 775% increase of their cloud services in regions that have enforced social distancing or shelter in place orders

Work with Azure

As you can see, the professional industry thrives on Azure. The more you know about Azure, the more marketable you are. IT professionals with Azure certifications have a greater chance of being successful in the career world. Azure certifications may lead to more job opportunities and higher salaries. These same sentiments were echoed in a blog titled, “The Top 8 Jobs for Microsoft Azure Certified Professionals in 2019.” The blog explains, “The certifications are usually in high demand, and professional training ensures it enhances an IT professional’s expertise” (Siddiqui). The blog goes further to list these jobs and based on the skill set and knowledge you would like to receive. The jobs include the following:

Top Azure Certifications to Look for in 2019 (“The Top 8 jobs for Microsoft Azure Certified Professionals in 2019” by Yahya Siddiqui)

Azure Cloud ArchitectCloud Administrator
Cloud DeveloperCloud Sales and Purchase Manager
Cloud DevOps EngineerAzure Bid Date Specialist
Azure Networking SpecialistKey Account Manager Cloud

Phoenix TS has got your back!

If you’re an IT professional seeking to earn a certification or if you want to gain a better understanding of all of Azure’s capabilities. Phoenix TS has got you covered. Phoenix TS offers a comprehensive list of Microsoft Azure classes that will help you get the training you need. Take a look at the courses we currently offer online and sign up for an Azure class today!

Azure Classes at PTS:

AZ-900T01 MS Azure Fundamentals

AZ-300T01 Deploying and Configuring Infrastructure

AZ-300T02 Implementing Workloads and Security

AZ-300T03 Understanding Cloud Architect Technology Solutions

AZ-301T04 Designing an Infrastructure Strategy

For more information about these classes, visit us phoenixts.com, or call (240) 667-7757

Works Cited

Broekhuijsen, Niels. “Tom’s HARDWARE.” Tom’s HARDWARE, Future US, Inc., 30 Mar. 2020, https://www.tomshardware.com/news/microsoft-azure-demand-increase-coronavirus-social-distancing.

 “Get to Know Azure.” Microsoft Azure, azure.microsoft.com/en-us/overview/.

Siddiqui, Yahya. “QuickStart.” QuickStart, 26 Feb. 2019, https://www.quickstart.com/blog/top-8-jobs-for-azure-certified-professionals-in-2019/.

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